

问:你怎样认为中国传统中药 英文作文
  1. 答:谈到中药与西药,我个人更喜欢中药.因为中药无副作用,见效慢,但亏姿誉是能治本,跟除疾病
    talking about the Chinese traditional medicine and the western medicine,I prefer the former one.
    Although the Chinese traditional medicine will take a long time to cure your disease,it will cure once and for all and it has no side-effect,as well.
    Contrast to the Chinese traditional medicine,the western medicine has some side-effect and cannot give the patient a cure in spite of its apparent curative effect which only takes a short time.Besides,body may have an unhealthy response after taking the western medicine,such as drug resistance.
    So,after all,if there is plenty of time,I'll choose the Chinese traditional medicine.
  2. 答:Thereasonofthissingularconductonthepartofthemoondidnot
  1. 答:急性脑出血是脑血管疾病中的一种以发配段病后反复头痛、呕吐、血压上升,意识障碍伴有偏瘫为主要临床表现,我以针刺为主,中药为慎销辅,自急性脑出血发作至病患恢复生活培孝誉自理能力,脑内血肿彻底消散为止
    The acute cerebral hemorrhage, a sort of cerebrovascular disease, whose main clinical features are a following repeated headache, vomit, increased blood pressure and consciousness obstacles panied by hemiplegia. I've chiefly tried acupuncture assisted by Chinese traditional herbal medicine, since acute cerebral hemorrhage outbreak till patients'recovering from illness and thorough dissipation of encephalon haematoma.
  2. 答:The acute cerebral hemorrhage is a kind of cerebrovascular disease incidence to a later repeated headache, vomiting, increased blood pressure, panied by hemiplegia awareness obstacles for the main clinical manifestations, I've mainly Chinese medicine while, since acute cerebral hemorrhage attack patients to resume live on their own, the book thoroughly dissipated until edema
  3. 答:We first try this sentence "is the acute cerebral hemorrhage, cerebrovascular disease incidence to a later repeated headache, vomiting, increased blood pressure, panied by hemiplegia awareness obstacles for the main clinical manifestations, I've mainly Chinese medicine while, since acute cerebral hemorrhage attack patients to resume live on their own, the book thoroughly dissipated until edema"
    好辛苦 ```````
